From Pine View Farm

The Tea Is Out of the Bags 0

Michael Tomasky explains in the Guardian that it’s all about the monied. A nugget (emphasis added):

When Tea Party candidates were elected in a raft of seats across the United States in the midterm elections last November, we wondered what the fallout would be. Now we’re finding out.

At the state level, most notably in Wisconsin but in other states too, conservative governors are using the financial crisis – created by Wall Street bankers and the deregulation-mad politicians who serve them – to give the bankers even more power, in effect, by trying to crush the strongest countervailing force against them in our political system – unions.

Lucy Johns, a letter writer in The Nation (vol. 292, no. 9, Februay 21, 2011, p. two, letters available online only to subscribers), discusses, a bit cynically perhaps, the movement of jobs and markets overseas as interpreted by the plutocracy. An excerpt:

Whatever motive impelled Henry Ford to pay a living wage or others of his status to tolerate government subsidies of middle-class life (the GI Bill, mortgage deduction, college tuition aid, union protection), it’s gone now. We’ve all thought such subsidy is what America was about. Not. It was about maintaining demand . . . Don’t need that demand anymore. The policies that enabled its growth are nothing but a diversion of profit to the undeserving.


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