From Pine View Farm

All the News that Fits 2

Left Blogistan has been having a lot of fun celebrating the ignorance:

Two of Romney’s surrogates dropped Cold War references when referring to Obama’s foreign policy failures. One said the White House has abandoned Czechoslovakia (a country that hasn’t existed since 1993) and the other said Obama wasn’t strong enough to prevent “the Soviets” from “pushing into the Arctic.” The outdated references revealed Romney’s advisers on foreign policy to be largely relics of the past – thereby proving the Obama campaign’s point.

But there’s a larger point that is being missed amongst the snark.

This was not a mistake. It was strategy–a strategy to which research and facts are irrelevant.

Republican don’t care about truth. They are willing to say anything that they think will help their cause, hoping that the lies will have enough truthiness to live until election day.

I will not be surprised when I listen to a radio show about foreign policy to hear someone call in with a comment about how President Obama lost Czechoslovakia.



  1. George

    April 28, 2012 at 10:39 am

    I’m a broken record but I’ll say it again, this man will never be president. He’s 100 percent unlikeable. Whenever he or his handlers speak they commit some absurdity showing only they’re reptilian in a clueless manner. You can’t even make a gag reel of it anymore, it’s way too long. It would have to be a feature film and everyone would walk out halfway through because it became too dull and repetitive. Romney is totally lacking in inspiration or anything even remotely resembling sincere warmth. It’s hard to fathom why he wants to be president other than, as the little boy of blue bloods, when it came time to tell the teacher in second grade what you wanted to be in life he blurted out he would like to be king, was told the US doesn’t have a king, and was gently corrected until he said “president.” 

  2. Frank

    April 28, 2012 at 12:54 pm

    He seems to believe he should run for president because someone told him he should.  There is truly no there, there.

    Nevertheless, he illustrates his party well:  A hollow ideology that feeds itself by feeding hate.