From Pine View Farm

State Rape, Now Playing in Pennsylvania 2

Republicans continue to fantasize about vicariously sticking things up women:

House Bill 1077, which is intended to humiliate, intimidate, and punish women who seek abortions, is one of the most reprehensible pieces of legislation Harrisburg has ever produced.

This legislation, deceptively titled the “Women’s Right to Know Act” and drafted under the pretext of providing informed consent, was cosponsored by seven male Republican state representatives who serve Chester County.

HB 1077 mandates a medically unnecessary procedure, including the use of an invasive transvaginal probe. In addition, it mandates a 24-hour waiting period between the ultrasound and the procedure. In addition to being burdensome, the legislation’s punitive intent is evident in the criminal penalties it imposes for failure to properly follow all the steps in this complicated legislation.

It’s the pervy party.



  1. George

    April 15, 2012 at 2:01 pm

    The paradox is this is what happens when uninformed voters decided to lash out at the Democratic Party and Obama in 2010. All across the mid-section of the country they’re paying for really bad decisions which they’ll have a chance to correct this year. I’m not going to bet, though, that save for Obama — who’s running against someone who could never be president as long as even the thickest people watch tv — the Democratic party will be restored to power in PA or other states where the most terrible things have been done. At least the PA pol who wrote that essay has the stones to put the entire matter bluntly.

  2. Frank

    April 15, 2012 at 4:03 pm

    It’s the “they’re all alike throw the bums out” vote.  

    But they aren’t all alike.

    Will the lesson sink in?  I’m not taking that bet.