From Pine View Farm

Football uber Alles, Dept. of Humanities Dept. 0

. . . where those in authority circle the wagons to protect their own because it’s the “humane” thing to do.

A snippet from Karen Heller’s column today:

How many young boys ago was 2001?


Investigators uncovered e-mails, which were reported Monday, by Spanier and now-suspended athletic director Timothy Curley and former vice president Gary Schultz suggesting that the “humane” treatment of Sandusky was to not inform law enforcement.

It’s the ultimate corruption of the rich and powerful: exempting themselves from standards of society, because, well, they can. After all, he wears nice suits; he looks good in meetings; he brings us good press; he’sjust . . . well . . . pukka sahib, eh, what.

(And if you this is only the condition at football factories, read the financial pages for Pete’s sake.)


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