From Pine View Farm

The Voter Fraud Fraud 1

Peter St. Onge tells the story of a voter who passed literacy tests, an earlier gut-out-the-vote tactic, to voter ID, the current rage amongst the oligarchs.

Eaton first voted more than seven decades ago, when doing so was a more difficult thing for blacks in the South. How difficult? When she was 18, she recalls, Eaton rode with her mother on her brother’s mule wagon to the county courthouse to register. Before young Rosanell could add her name to the rolls, however, a clerk told her to stand against the wall, look straight ahead, and recite the preamble to the Constitution without missing a word.

When Rosanell did just that, the clerk looked to her mother and said: “She’s a brave little girl.”

Now, Eaton is a plaintiff in a lawsuit, one of two filed this week after Gov. Pat McCrory signed one of the most restrictive voting rights bills in the country. According to the suit, the name on Eaton’s birth certificate doesn’t match the name on her driver’s license or the name on her voter registration card. She will, the lawsuit says, incur substantial time and expense to straighten things out and meet the state’s new requirements.

You see, somewhere along the line, she got married, so the names don’t match up.

Therefore, she must be a voter fraudster. There is no other possible reason.

Anyway, she probably wouldn’t vote for the “right” people, so her rights don’t matter. Q. E. D.

And that is logic in Republican-world.

Read the rest for more Republican logic.

Meanwhile, Sally Kalson points out that this is another case of both sides not (more at the link):

There is no corresponding effort by Democrats to suppress the Republican vote.


1 comment

  1. George Smith

    August 18, 2013 at 9:46 pm

    Enough news of this gets around, it will blow up in GOP faces. They’ll get more than they bargained for when people show up to vote in force, looking for a fight because they’ve gotten the message the other side doesn’t want them around.