From Pine View Farm

(Junk) Bonding with the News 0

I remember when employees first were given the right to shift their funds about in their IRAs.

Something would happen and, the next day, some folks would be on the phone moving money from “high-risk” to “low-risk” funds or vicey versey.

It was silly, stupid, and often self-defeating. Closing the barn door after the horse etc.

At MarketWatch, George Sisti explains to whom to turn:

They (investors–ed.) need advice from Mr. Perspective. He understands that 99% of this week’s news stories are isolated, random events that will never make it into the history books. He knows that the endless predictions offered by the media are not only worthless, they suffer from a profound lack of imagination. He’ll remind us that Armageddon has been a no-show and that the odds are pretty good that the world won’t end anytime soon. He warns of the danger of fixating on what is possible instead of what is most probable.

More from his expert at the link.


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