From Pine View Farm

How the Tea Was Bagged 0

Reg Henry follows the trail of teas. A nugget:

The Tea Party was a strange phenomenon from the start. It began no later than February 2009, apparently sparked by the efforts to stimulate and shore up the economy left moribund by the previous administration. This, of course, was an outrage to some. How dare anybody rebuff the iron will of the market for the general welfare!

President Barack Obama had been in office one month — one month! — yet already he was considered a socialist/Marxist. Most presidents get a political honeymoon — Mr. Obama wasn’t given enough time to find the White House bathroom. But thank goodness his race was not a factor, and if you believe that, pull my leg, it’s got a bell on it.

The other day, we grabbed lunch at a beachfront eatery; it was mid-afternoon, the season is waning, and business was slow, so we had a pleasant chat with the only waitress on duty, who looked to be college age.

She mentioned that, based on the attitudes of some of her customers, she thought that persons are more bigoted and prejudiced than they used to be.

I disagreed, but I did say that, as far as I can tell, compared to a couple of decades ago, persons sure are a damned sight more willing to be open about their bigotry than they were a couple of decades ago.

Teabaggery is exhibit A-one.


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