From Pine View Farm

“A Bunch of Berlusconis” 2

Der Spiegel rounds up German coverage of the New Secesh and their rising again.

A nugget:

The overwhelming consensus among the German press is that the Republicans are the most to blame for the gridlock. In a Tuesday commentary, SPIEGEL ONLINE’s Gregor Peter Schmitz dubbed them the “kamikaze party.” He attributed the gridlock to America’s mercenary political culture — where directly elected lawmakers run for re-election every two years and campaigns are privately financed — as well as to the lack of party infrastructure compared to Germany’s parliamentary model with its publicly funded campaigns.

“It’s circumstances like these,” writes Schmitz, “that explain why a brigade of Republicans conduct themselves like a bunch of Berlusconis — as enemies of the state from within who want to cripple the country because that’s the desire of their conservative voters at home.”

Read the rest.



  1. George Smith

    October 3, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    They don’t really seem to get, or can’t bring themselves to mention, the southern neo-Confederacy or WhiteManistan thing against the President which is one of the big drivers. They could have mentioned coup attempt because it’s what it is, a drive to end his presidency and overturn the election. Even the Prez has said so. A good while ago I maintained the government wasn’t designed to be able to deal with one party that was out to destroy it. I’m almost one hundred percent certain there will be a default and no one has entertained the idea of what happens if, when one occurs, the same people just refuse to let go no matter how bad things get. Right now they still act like the shut down is the best thing happening. One figures there’s a limit to how much tension and hardship people can sustain and still care. So there must be a point, and I find myself approaching it, that the default will happen and maybe the US government ought to fall and end the chapter in national/global history. History tells us it happens to others, often through pure stumbling, and that it will happen again. The bill for so many very bad things is due. The 2010 elections, the pursuit by wealthy American business of a corporate fascist state (and now we hear the wailing of American businessmen, the responsible parties, who now see the lights coming very fast toward them in the tunnel), the rise and spread of Southern-style theocracy/intolerance. It’s not that surprising that the potential was there for it to come together in an unpredictable way. The US is, for practical purposes, today a failed state and not in the CIA factbook or international relations course professional definition of it. It was never going to be that. As the world superpower with its own history, it would be expected to forge its own definition, one unlike anyone else’s.

  2. Frank

    October 3, 2013 at 11:23 pm

    As Hosea predicted, they have sown the wind, now they reap the whirlwind.


    And they take the rest of us with them.