From Pine View Farm

The Secesh 1


These are folks who don’t realize that The Quick and the Dead was a movie.

A damned good movie, aside from being about 30 minutes too long, but still a movie.


1 comment

  1. George Smith

    November 7, 2013 at 12:22 pm

    What’s happened is the Republican Party has disintegrated into a party for people who yearn for their own little white purity sovereign nations where there may be a small servant class of non-whites and no gay people are allowed, except in the closet or playing piano like Liberace. This puts them only a step away from the “sovereign nation” nuts the FBI tracks and the various neo-Nazi survivalists that occasionally try to find a small town where they can plan to migrate and set up an encampment. You know how I go on about preppers and how National Geographic has decided its money-making niche programming to pander to them with reality series on the end of civilization and how to stockpile your off-the-grid stakeout? That’s what all this is about, the root of it. It’s an internal shared psychosis, a belief system that various locales in WhiteManistan are the most put upon and persecuted of minorities and that if they could just form their little republics or regional fortresses they’d have true liberty and freedom from the hated oppressors, like their favorite don’t-tread-on-me stories of Hector Heathcotes throwing off the King. My old publisher was like this. He looked into forming an island micro-nation, was convinced the US would fall in 2000, decamped to Belize, then to Nicaragua when the former was deemed wanting, then back to Belize and died there. And occasionally news agencies will run photographic spreads and stories about white American ex-pats who’ve gone to live somewhere in Central America. But it seems the majority don’t have the resources or get-up-and-go for that and believe that it’s somehow possible to carve out their own piece of the CONUS if they get in the local newspapers about it enough. I’m of half a mind the federal government should establish a program for them, one that gives those that really want it, a block grant, enough to get them out of the country and set up elsewhere on the condition they not come back for at least ten years. They can keep their citizenship, too.