From Pine View Farm

Ideologue-cracy 2

The column is about Maine’s teabagger Governor LePage, but it could be about the entire Republican Party. A nugget:

For one, LePage is highly ideological, very certain he is right and not interested in evidence that might contradict his worldview.

The ideologue’s approach to policy is like the man who drops his keys in the road and looks for them under the streetlight. Pragmatic policymakers are like those who search the street, using a flashlight to really investigate.

And, natch, when teabaggery doesn’t produce the desired results, teabaggers just teabag harder.

Read the rest, which discusses how self-fulfilling prophecies get self-fulfilled.



  1. George Smith

    December 17, 2013 at 5:25 pm

    “Who’s Sorry Now” has no meaning in half of America 2013. 2014 will be even more fun, mark my words. I fully expect by the end of 2016 2-in5 Americans will be living on or under the poverty line.

  2. Frank

    December 17, 2013 at 10:58 pm

    It does indeed look as if the dialectic will not be denied.