Counter-Intuitive 0
A letter to the editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer skillfully skewers the fallacious and immoral right-wing subterfuge that any old bozo behind a counter should be allowed to run your life because he or she doesn’t like how you live it that you use birth control and might have a sex life.*
YOU’RE at the pharmacy to pick up your diabetes medication.
The pharmacist takes a look at you and at your prescription, and refuses to fill it.
Is it expired, or maybe you’re out of refills?
No, the prescription is valid and current. But the pharmacist has decided that your Type II diabetes is something you brought on yourself, and because of his deeply held moral and religious objection to the sin of gluttony, he doesn’t have to serve you.
Do read the rest.
*Have you noticed that, when the right-wing brings floats this argument, it is always about products that work only with female physiology?
You don’t hear them arguing that morality demands that pharmacists and store clerks refuse to sell condoms to men.
Because condoms are only “for the prevention of disease,” if I remember the wording on the notices I used to see on vending machines in men’s rooms when I was a young ‘un and didn’t know what they meant. Or wild oats. Or something.
Or maybe it’s just the skeevy Republican preoccupation with lady bits.