From Pine View Farm

Stand Your Pop-Tart 0

The father of the gunshine state’s “Stand Your Ground” law is moving into breakfast foods, pushing a bill to prevent schools from punishing kids who nibble their pop-tarts or other food items into the shape of guns.

My two or three long-time readers know that I think schools’ “zero-tolerance” rules are silly and stupid. They have resulted in the punishment of elementary school children for silly, harmless kid stuff that was malicious in neither intent nor result.

Those same readers know that I think “Stand Your Ground” is pernicious and vile. Underneath the high-fallutin’ rationale, it does nothing more than provide legal cover to Judge Lynch.

The Florida legislator is clearly grandstanding to the gun nut portion of his constiutency, but Frank Cerabino thinks some good might come from his effort:

But this might be the rare Florida gun bill that actually won’t create more harm to Floridians.

If this bill encourages school kids to imagine that Pop-Tarts function better as building materials for fake guns, rather than an acceptable breakfast food, it will be doing Florida’s kids a lot of good.

Florida has more than its share of child obesity . . . .


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