The Gospel According to GOP 0
Considering the right’s reaction to the notorious botched “execution” in Oklahoma, Tony Norman tries to figure out where the right wing gets its “Christian values.” A nugget:
What would Mr. Inhofe’s version of Jesus have done in the “Christian nation” he established under the quasi-priesthood of George Washington? He’d presumably be the first to insert a needle into Lockett’s arm, despite being a victim of capital punishment himself.
Like his most “faithful” followers, the Jesus of Mr. Inhofe’s imagination is as irony deprived as he is sadistic.
I was raised Southern Baptist. The little country church in which I grew up did not know the God that Republicans embrace.
More at the link.
Full disclosure:
Lockett appears to have been thoroughly despicable. Nevertheless, though I believe that some deeds are so heinous that their perpetrators forfeit their place in society, I continue to oppose capital punishment because we kill the wrong persons far too often.