From Pine View Farm

War and Mongers of War 0

John McCain, wearing Bush/Cheney button, releasing war from the bottle of c

The neocons and their symps, dupes, and fellow travelers who made policy for George the Worst*, upon what appears to be the final crumbling of their fever dream of American conquest in the Great and Glorious Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq, have resurfaced to call for yet more war.

Dick Polman is disgusted (as, indeed, must be any thinking person outside the Beltway-Wingnut Bubble).

So when the shameless necons and Bush amnesiacs and clueless trolls bleat about “Obama’s fault,” it’s like hearing a pyromaniac whine that the fire department didn’t bring enough hoses to his four-alarm blaze.

Do I have a magic elixir for the raging Iraqi fire? Nope. Nobody does. But here’s a fanciful idea: Let’s dispatch the dogs of war to Iraq, and compel them to clean up their mess. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, McCain and his fellow congressional hawks, Kristol and his fellow cheerleaders…they should all stay until they forge a solution. And if they argue for a new U.S war, young members of their own families should fight it.

Do please follow the link.

Image via Job’s Anger.

*Was George the Worst a dupe or a symp? Inquiring minds want to know.


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