From Pine View Farm

School for Scamdal 0

After the fifth investigation has deemed that the Republican fuss over Benghazi was all smoke and mirrors, Republicans are launching yet another investigation so as to stir up their base. This one will be led by one Tray Gowdy (R–Cloud Cuckoo Land).

Dick Polman’s comments are worth a read; here’s a nugget:

This, however, was the best line in Gowdy’s opening salvo: “These outstanding questions, and others, are legitimate, and seeking the answer to these questions should be an apolitical process.” Is he serious? An apolitical process? He’s just a carnival barker tasked by House Republicans to coax the tinfoilers into the party tent, to gin them up en masse for the midterm elections.

For those folks, the empirical findings in the House Intelligence Committee report (which has to be declassified by the intelligence community) won’t matter a whit. There is a “paranoid style in American politics,” as the esteemed historian Richard Hofstadter famously wrote, characterized by “heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy,” and any congressional panel that fails to feed the mindset must surely be part of the conspiracy

Jim Wright also reviews the events at Stonekettle Station. Here’s a bit:

For two years conservatives have been demanding “the truth.”

And they’ve got it.

By their own hand, from their own people.

And suddenly, the party of personal accountability is strangely quiet on Benghazi.

But then it really wasn’t the truth they were after, was it?


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