From Pine View Farm

Separate Entrances 0

Recently, much fuss has been made about a ritzy Manhattan development’s plan to have a “poor door,” a separate entrance for persons in the “affordable” apartments. Leonard Pitts, Jr., points out that the fuss overlooks the obvious. A nugget:

. . . (the door) is also the pointed symbol of a truth we all know but pretend not to, so as to preserve the fiction of an egalitarian society. Namely, that rich and poor already have different doors. The rich enter the halls of justice, finance, education, health and politics through portals of advantage from which the rest of us are barred.

Afterthought, Later That Same Day:

I know about separate entrances. Once, when my mother, my brother, and I were taking the bus to visit my grandmother in South Carolina–I was maybe ten–I entered the wrong separate entrance to the wrong waiting room in the Raleigh, North Carolina, bus station. All the Not White folks in that room stopped talking and looked at me, with “What are you doing here” in their faces.

I have never felt so out of place, nor so alone.

I would never wish that feeling on anyone.

Any society that breeds that feeling is evil.

Anyone who would perpetuate that society is evil.


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