From Pine View Farm

Droning On 1

France’s state-run power company EDF rang alarm bells last week when it announced it had filed a complaint with police after detecting the small unmanned aerial vehicles zipping over not one, not two, but seven atomic plants in October.

Since then, more have been spotted and there have been at least 16 fly-overs throughout France, usually at night . . . .

France’s minister for the environment Ségolène Royal admitted this week that authorities didn’t have a clue who might be flying drones over power stations, which is illegal in France.

According to the story, these are not quad-copters from a hobby shop, but devices that cost as much as a car; the report concludes with a bunch of random theories that make it clear that the authorities have no idea what’s going on.


1 comment

  1. George Smith

    November 7, 2014 at 12:10 pm

    Interesting. I’d look into France’s anti-terrorism defense infrastructure as a possible culprit. It’s US counterpart, through the last decade, has regularly secretly unleashed red teams to research penetrations and potentials for attack within the US. In many cases it has been proven they were to be part of eventual public release of news to massage defense measures and spending on alleged vulnerabilities. We set the standard on that. I’d rule out terrorists because at $30,000/piece they just don’t have the money. Who knows? It could even be an American operation at this point. Another possible funder would be a big news agency doing an irresponsible investigation allied with a third party in industry.