From Pine View Farm

November, 2014 archive

Post-Game Analysis 0

Low Information Nation:  Voters speak:

Via Job’s Anger.


Facebook Frolics, Running Naked through the News Dept. 2

Edward Wasserman finds the trend for persons to get news via Facebook rather disturbing. A snippet:

Facebook was aiming to become the Macy’s window on the Internet for the news biz, offering fully modern functionality, visual pizzazz, and, above all, an unbeatable storefront on the same network that was fast becoming the choice online meeting space for about a fifth of humanity.

That seems to be what now has happened. By throwing in with Facebook, news sites rent space in a virtual metropolis teeming with enthusiasts, who send traffic their way, and permeated by commercial vendors.

That’s the good part of the story. The rest of the story is that their readers’ online comings and goings, likes and dislikes, are noted, rummaged, inventoried, and harvested for data to be acted on and resold by Facebook and its collaborators.

Read the rest, then go buy a newspaper.



William Randolph Hearst:

A politician will do anything to keep his job, even become a patriot.


Not What It Claims To Be 0

The food company Unilever (manufacturer of Hellman’s Mayonnaise–ed.) is suing a California company that uses the word “Mayo” in its sandwich spread name, saying that federal regulators and dictionaries define mayonnaise as a spread that contains eggs.

The suit claims false advertising by the company Hampton Creek for labeling its egg-free product “Just Mayo.” Unilever says in a complaint filed in federal court that the world mayo implies that the product is mayonnaise, and Just Mayo is “stealing market share from Hellmann’s.”

The product in question is no more mayonnaise than “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” (oh, yes, by the way, I can) is butter.

Our grocery aisles are full of artificial crap pretending to be real crap. I hope Unilever wins.

Also, forget Hellman’s. Dukes rules.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Words fail me.


Ancient Mysteries 0

Recent archaeological findings suggest that an essential feature of every Babylonian office was the Nebucadenza.


Bushwhacked 0

Pap and David Haynes examine the legal legacy of King George the Worst.


Red, White, Blue, and Yellow, Reprise 0

Rick Steves is fed up with cable news; he suggests that television news now foments fear for funding. A snippet.

When Walter Cronkite closed the evening news by saying, “And that’s the way it is,” I believe that, to the best of journalists’ knowledge, that really was the way it was. In those days, television networks were willing to lose money on their evening news time slot to bring us the news. It was seen as their patriotic duty as good corporate citizens.

But times have changed, and now corporations have a legal responsibility to maximize short-term profits for their shareholders. They’ve started sexing up, spicing up and bloodying up the news to boost ratings. And 24/7 news channels have to amp up the shrillness to make recycled news exciting enough to watch.

In a sense, news has become entertainment masquerading as news. Now an event is not news, it’s a “crisis.”

The drek to information ratio of TV news, cable or not, is off the scale.

The last time I watched a television news show was a couple of years ago when we had (I kid you not) a white Christmas. We watched local TV News reporters standing around shocked! shocked! I tell you, that below-freezing temperatures are cold and slippery streets lead to car crashes.

At least their findings were factual.


SWATting at Flies 0

Jim Hightower reports on the Florida police department that used a SWAT team to raid a properly-licensed barbershop for barbering without a license.

Really. They did.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

It’s still open season for politeness.

Authorities say 39-year-old Bruce Ellyson was hunting with some friends east of the Clearwater Campground in the Shoshone National Forest on Sunday when the accident occurred.

The Park County Sheriff’s Office says Ellyson and his companions had just finished their hunt and were preparing to leave when a rifle leaning against a vehicle fell over and fired.


Once More Repetitively All Over Again 0

Jim Wright expects the next years to be painful, but he finds some cause for optimism. A snippet:

What I’m saying here is that last time Republicans were in charge? Think back, what happened? What did we get?

Yeah, we got America’s first black liberal president.
In a landslide.


You owe it to yourself to follow the link and read the rest of the post.



Charles de Gaulle:

Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.


Red, White, Blue, and Yellow 0

F. T. Rea puzzles out the fear factor in last week’s elections. A nugget:

Of course, this is hardly the first time for yellow to symbolically speckle the nation’s map in an election year. What was a modern variation on an old tactic in 2014 was the outrageous manner in which terrorism in the Middle East and disease in Western Africa were sensationalized by political flacks and the media, just before mid-term elections. It created a two-headed monster, the stuff of nightmares.

Read the rest and remind yourself: Frightened persons don’t think.


Stir-Fry Shrimp Teriyaki 0

wokI have a new toy, and I’ve been learning to use it. It’s very easy to use, as long as it has been properly seasoned.

Last night I made a variation on this recipe, and it was excellent. The recipe below will feed three or four persons, depending on appetites.


1/2 pound sugar snap peas, with strings removed.
5 large mushrooms (or equivalent smaller fungi), sliced.
3 cloves garlic, minced.
5 spring onions, chopped.
1 pound raw shrimp.
Olive oil.
Teriyaki sauce.


1. Heat wok (you can also use a skillet) until water droplets evaporate in about a second.

2. Add about 1 tbs. oil and allow to heat.

3. Sauté shrimp until pink (about five minutes), stirring frequently (after all, it is a “stir-fry”). Reserve shrimp.

4. Saute onions and garlic for about a minute, then add mushrooms and peas and cook until tender, stirring frequently, until done (about five minutes). (You may need a bit more oil.)

5. Add shrimp and enough teriyaki sauce to coat ingredients lightly (about 3 tbs.). Stir to thoroughly reheat shrimp (about one minute). Serve with rice.


Sibling Rivalries 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


The New Secesh 2

Steven M. notices that they aren’t even trying to hide the racism any more. He refers to the talk that Loretta Lynch might be nominated for Attorney-General:

But she’s a black woman, and the right-wing base isn’t even trying to hide its naked racial anger anymore — as far as conservatives are concerned, replacing Holder with another black person is, in and of itself, an act of racism (although I suppose it would be just fine if Obama somehow chose a black wingnut).

Do read the rest, then check out George Smith’s essay (be patient–his hosting service seems to have some issues).


How Stuff Works 0

Supreme Court says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Going to the Dogs 0

Shaun Mullen finds a parable in a dog park.


“Republican Family Values” . . . 0

. . . is an oxymoron.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your brothers.

Police say a 5-year-old boy was shot by a sibling who is younger than 10. Their grandmother was watching three children, all siblings, in the apartment when one located a gun in the home.

Now there is one brother fewer.
