From Pine View Farm

How Stuff Works, Bundy Bund Dept. 0

Waitress:  So why are you occupying a Fed'ral facility?  Cowboy:  T' force the guvmint's hand!  Waitress:  To force the governmint's hand to do what?  Cowboy:  Overreach of authority to take what the Almight ordained belonged to us!  Bystander:  I'm lost here.  Waitress:  He doesn't want to pay taxes.  Cowbow:  You make it sound a lot less noble when you summarize it.

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Update, after This Was Drafted*:

Bundy Bund bundled.

It appears that the Feds were using an enforcement technique known as “Give ‘Em Enough Rope . . . .”


*You didn’t think I do all this in real time, did you?

I write a bunch of stuff, then I go off and do other stuff. Then I write stuff. It’s the Great Cycle of Drivel.


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