From Pine View Farm

Bloatware 0

If you have ever bought a computer with Windows preinstalled, you will have seen that it included lots of stuff that is not part of Windows: optical disk burning programs, firewalls, anti-virus programs, stuff included on a “free trial basis.” (If you ever installed Windows clean from installation media, it’s surprisingly sparse compared to the typical commercial consumer-grade install.)

Computer manufactures do not put this junk on their computers just to irritate customers (Windows can do that quite nicely without any assistance, thank you). The manufacturers of the bloatware pay them to do it.

El Reg reports that one of the side effects of this bloatware is extra added bonus security vulnerabilities over and above those inherent in using Windows.

Computers from many of the biggest PC makers are riddled with easy-to-exploit vulnerabilities in pre-loaded software, security researchers warn.

The research from Duo Security shows that bloatware is not just a nuisance that causes a lag in system boot-up, but a security risk. Laptops from Acer, Asus, Dell, HP and Lenovo all have at least one security vulnerability that can lead to a full system compromise. Most of the vulnerabilities would be straightforward to exploit even for technically unsophisticated hackers, according to Duo Security.

If you use Windows, follow the link for more.


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