From Pine View Farm

September, 2016 archive

The GOP Files 0

Man at fact-Checker desk dwarfed by yuge pile of paper labeled

Click to see the image at its original location.


Trumpling Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Reg Henry remembers Monday’s debate and reaches a disquieting conclusion. A snippet:

So went the debate. Hillary Clinton was calm, mostly civil, patient, well-prepared and professional. Donald Trump was an unprepared, ill-mannered jerk. He had neither command of the facts nor mastery of his own personality. Sadly, that is why I think he may have won the night.

That may seem contrary, but debates occur in the culture of their times. In a sane world, Ms. Clinton would be judged the winner, but that is the very world willfully abandoned by many Americans. They may suppose a debate is just a shouting match; it’s all just words and the important thing is to steamroll your opponent with them. This he did.

He was helped by a culture that has become fact-free and in thrall of the Big Lie as practiced by the Nazis, the idea that if you tell a lie big enough and often enough, people eventually will come to believe it, no matter how absurd.


Trump Takes the Helmsley 2

Leona Helmsley in 1986:  Only the little people pay taxes.  Donald Trump in 2016:  That makes me smart.

Via Job’s Anger.


Stray Question 0

Did anyone really believe that “the five second rule” was indeed a “rule”?


Life in the Yuge Lane 0

He made his commute great again.


A Picture Is Worth 0

“Not in Service.”


Temperament Tantrum 0

Via Raw Story.



Kerry Greenwood:

. . . although I am firmly committed to pacifism, there are times when a right hook can solve many problems.


Geeking Out 0

A week ago, one of my UPS’s died. It was getting on to 10 years old, so I can’t complain, though it maliciously chose to beep its way out of existence in the wee hours, sending me crawling about in the dark to find from whence comes that )*#)*##a$&% beeping. . . .

One of the computers attached to it survived without incident. On the other, a Lenovo graphics tablet configured to dual-boot Windows 7 and Mageia 5, it took out Mageia, which was the running operating system at the time. I decided to throw Debian on the machine, as I quite like Debian and had mastered Mageia; plus I wasn’t in the mood to troubleshoot the system (it would boot, but only to the emergency repair terminal).

I installed Debian with MATE and KDE (I’m not a big fan of the KDE desktop interface–too many flashing lights and sounding cymbals–but I generally prefer KDE applications over their Gnome equivalents. Yesterday, I did some basic configuration. Today, I installed and fine-tuned E17, which will be my primary desktop interface on this machine.

Click for a larger image.


Trickle-On Economics 0


Facebook Frolics 0

WhatsApp, Doc?


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0


The View from Afar 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., wonders how they do it.


The Candidates Debate 0

Via Raw Story.


Twits on Twitter 0

Wingnut twits.

In wingnut world, it’s not the smoke that gets in your eyes. It’s the hate.


Birds of a Feather 0

Donald Trump holding news of falling polls and of various Republicans refusing to endorse him as white supremecists of various types, members of the American Nazi Party, and Vladimir Putin say to him,

Image via Michael in Norfolk.


A Starr Turn 0

Ken Starr thinks he’s being railroaded in a witchhunt.

Bless his heart.



Benjaminn Spock:

People have said, “You’ve turned your back on pediatrics.” I said, “No. It took me until I was in my 60s to realize that politics was a part of pediatrics.”


And Now, a Musical Interlude 0



Coinage 2

Badtux agrees that we need a new word and suggests that we adopt the term, “whitesplaining”; methinks yon penguin has a point.

But it seems to me that nowadays we need to make another term as well known as “mansplaining”: whitesplaining. When white people are telling Colin Kaepernick what he should think and feel about the black experience in America… when white people are telling a black mother what she should think and feel about the fact that her 11 year old boy who looks as dangerous as Urkel was racially profiled as a possible drug lookout or drug cut-out by police officers… when white people are telling the black people behind Black Lives Matter that the experience they live every day of having to fear being shot by the police for little reason or no reason at all is not, in fact, the experience they live every day… they are doing the same thing. They are telling a black person what he or she is supposed to be thinking or feeling about the reality that black people live in every day.

Follow the link for the full rationale.

From Pine View Farm
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