From Pine View Farm

Raleigh News and Observer Trumples Trump 0

The Raleigh, North Carolina, News and Observer has endorsed Hillary Clinton.

This is not a surprise. I suspect that, by the end of the month, almost no major newspaper will have endorsed Trump.

Consequently, I don’t mention this because it’s news, though the editorial is worth a read, as it attempts to explore what in our culture made Trumpery possible.

I mention it because of this one delicious phrase (emphasis added):

The polls suggest that Americans in their wisdom are not likely to elect this bombastic, alleged billionaire to the highest office in the land.


The News and Observer’s letters to the editor should be a hoot for the next week or so. I shall make a point of not missing them. You should too.


If you wonder why I pay attention to North Carolina papers, it’s not just that North Carolina is right next door or that the current North Carolina governor and legislature are nucking futs. It’s that my mother was from South Carolina just outside of Charlotte, N. C., and the two major North Carolina papers were very much part of my youth.


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