From Pine View Farm

Foiled! Curses Again! 2

Garrison Keillor wonders why the Trump supporters are still cursing him.

I gather from the letters that their lives were devastated by the advent of gay marriage, political correctness, the threat of gun control, the arrogance of liberals, and now a champion rises from Fifth Avenue and 56th Street and God forbid that any dog should bark when he speaks or any pigeon drop white matter on his limousine.

What the letter-writers don’t grasp is that cursing is highly effective in person – someone kicks his car in rage, forgetting he’s wearing flip-flops, and flames pour from his mouth, it’s impressive. But you see it in print and it’s just ugly. It makes you pity the writer’s wife.

Do please read the rest. As he did in his monologues on his radio show, he eventually wanders to a damned good point.



  1. GS

    December 3, 2016 at 6:45 pm

    Thank heavens for the wisdoms of Old Talcum, the snob companion from the prairie. He is certainly too smart for the room and plays the mental skin flute well.

    “Maybe the Republicans will privatize the Pentagon and maybe the Chinese will be the low bidder. Why not run the Marines like a business?”

    Oops, this seems to be wrong already.

  2. Frank

    December 3, 2016 at 8:48 pm

    I’m glad that he has not faded away in his retirement from show business. The man can write.

    As Duncan pointed out a couple of days ago, for a lot of these folks, it seems to be mean for the sake of mean.