From Pine View Farm

Truth-in-Labeling 2

Writing at the Colorado Springs Gazette, Ari Armstrong points out that words matter. An excerpt:

The language we use to combat racism matters. Calling white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and their ilk “far right” or “extreme,” rather than white supremacists or the like, only obscures their vile nature and helps them falsely claim ties to mainstream America. White supremacists openly welcome such labels – the event in Charlottesville was called the “Unite the Right” rally.


Neo-Nazis are quite happy to be called “far right” because of the seeming implication that they have something in common with my “center right” friends. But they have nothing in common. Being a racist is not a more extreme version of being for low taxes (or the like); logically the two things have nothing to do with each other.



  1. Racer X

    August 28, 2017 at 8:36 am

    Except Ari is wrong. The far right is merely vocalizing and making visible the beliefs and sentiments behind the center right agenda for years. Nice try.

  2. Frank

    August 28, 2017 at 12:32 pm

    You do have a point. I gather from some of his other pieces that he leans Republican and the truth may be hurting him.

    Nevertheless, I think he also has a point–it does not facilitate truthiness to countenance the mincification of verbiage in journalistic endeavors.

    It’s also true that, sometimes, a difference in degree may become a difference of kind. The New Secesh are opening supporting and even taking actions (and their sympathizers welcomed into the Republican Party by Richard Nixon) that even Barry Goldwater would not have countenanced.