From Pine View Farm

September, 2019 archive

Infiltrated 0



Alternative Lifestyle 0

Donald Trump standing next to man wearing business dress and SCUBA gear:  Who needs clean air and water when you have SCUBA tanks and Diet Coke?

Click for the original image.



Cal Ripken, Jr.:

I don’t know how everyone else feels, but I’m exhausted.


“A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away . . . .” 0

Will Bunch conjures an alternative universe.


“Me Me Me Me Me Me” 0

Writing at the Las Vegas Sun, Volker Franke marvels at our loss of compassion. A snippet:

Gone are the days of compassionate conservatism. “America first” finds a ready breeding ground in this “me first” mentality. It is finally time to catch up for those left behind by social progress made in the name of equality. After all, they too are better than others, better than those abroad and better than those from abroad. The new aMEricaFIRST echoes that sentiment, segregates American society and separates us from friends and allies around the world.


A quibble.

In the last half-century, “Compassionate conservatism” has been nothing but a slogan. There is no there there.


Climate Disruptors 0

Greta standing next to poster reading,

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.


It’s Early Days Yet 0

Gordon Weil reminds us to consider campaign promises in the light of political reality and not to take too seriously the “who’s ahead this week” horse race coverage of politics encouraged by polls, pundits, and speculators, especially this far out.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Rat:  I just realized that I'm part of the problem in this country.  I always think I'm right.  I never listen to the other side.  And I always demonize my opponent.  Goat:  Pretty mature of you.  So what did you do after you had that realization?  Rat:  I saw I was being too reasonable and punched myself in the face.  Goat:  And byb bye maturity.  Rat:  Then I called myself a ninny and stepped on my own toes.

Click for the original image.


Descent 0

Jim Wright is less than optimistic.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

The Trumpling campaign continues apace.



Shirley MacLaine:

Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. It’s where all the fruit is.


The Storm This Time 0

Caption:  Global Climaate Action Week Forecast.  Image:  Weather forecaster pointing towards map where a hurricane that looks like Donald Trump swirls wildly saying,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your neighbors.

A young boy was injured Friday at a South Adams Street (Tallahasee, Fla.–ed.) apartment complex after a bullet accidentally fired from an upstairs bedroom punched through the ceiling and shattered the tile floor below.

A piece of the tile struck the victim, who witnesses identified as a young boy. He was hospitalized but has since been released.


Poster Boy 0

Donald Trump on recruting poster from the

Via Job’s Anger.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

A photo tour.


A Bribal Society 0

Thom argues that “Varsity Blues” is just the tip of America’s bribery culture.


American Vistas 0

Frame One:  Mitch McConnell's office, captioned,



Billy Bob Thornton:

I don’t have a fear of flying; I have a fear of crashing.


Twits on Twitter 0

Sportswriter extraordinaire Bob Molinaro:

On Monday, the Jets tweeted out birthday wishes to 28-year-old safety Bennett Jackson. Later that day, they cut him. And then deleted the tweet.


California Schemin’ 0

Paul Krugman looks for the motives behind Donald Trump’s war on California. A snippet:

You see, modern California — once a hotbed of conservatism — has become a very liberal, very Democratic state, in part thanks to rapidly rising Hispanic and Asian populations. And since the early years of this decade, when Democrats won first the governorship, then a supermajority in the state Legislature, liberals have been in a position to pursue their agenda, raising taxes on high incomes and increasing social spending.

Conservatives confidently predicted disaster, declaring that the state was committing “economic suicide.” You might think that the failure of that disaster to materialize, especially combined with the way California has outperformed states like Kansas and North Carolina that turned hard right while it was turning left, might induce them to reconsider their worldview. That is, you might think that if you haven’t been paying any attention to the right-wing mindset.
