From Pine View Farm

Practice Precautions–Updated 0

Title:  Wash your hands of fear and misinformation.  Image:  Pictures of person washing hands captioned

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He left one out: Scrub away whataboutism.


We went out for Sunday breakfast at our usual haunt, then dropped by the near-by Aldi for some odds and ends. It’s good thing we weren’t shopping for toilet paper; the shelves were bare. Frankly, I don’t get it, I don’t get it at all.

In related news, I recommend this story about a hand sanitizer profiteer. His explanation of how he’s really really not price gouging, but rather is performing an essential public service, is just too self-serving darling for words!

Addendum, the Next Day:

Mr. Essential Public Service has chosen to donate his hoard of health supplies in the light of the less than favorable publicity.

(Misplet wrod correxted.)


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