From Pine View Farm

Raging against Reality 0

The phrase, “white rage,” has been bandied about lately in the wake of General Milley’s takedown of the racist fulminations of Matt Gaetz.

At Psychology Today Blogs, Rupert Nacoste offers a definition of what exactly that is. Here’s a bit (emphasis added); follow the link for the full article.

Unlike any other historical period in America, neo-diversity is a part of the life of everyday Americans. Neo-diversity, you see, is the new interpersonal situation of America in which we all have to encounter and sometimes interact with people “not like us” on some group dimension. . . .

“White rage” is racial neo-diversity anxiety catching that fire. Imagine being made to feel safe by a false sense of racial superiority and then suddenly having to deal with real information that made it clear that your beliefs about “them” were false; they were stereotypes that had nothing to do with real people. Panicked distress; violent emotions; erratic, irrational (lashing out) behavior (call the police); all that occurs because of having to face the now-very-real member of that group — one of “them” standing up to you demanding respect.


If all you’ve got on which to hang your identity is the color of your skin, you are poor and hollow person indeed.


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