From Pine View Farm

Indoctrination Nation 0

We are seeing numerous attempts to deny the reality of America’s history by, for example, pretending that America’s racist system of chattel slavery somehow wasn’t. It’s almost as if some folks think that, if students don’t learn about racism and bigotry in America’s past and present, said racism and bigotry didn’t–don’t–exist, and, consequently, no one past or present need acknowledge, be held accountable, or atone for them.

At the Las Vegas Sun, Greg Wieman argues forcefully that schools should teach history, not myths. A snippet (emphasis added):

White students are not taught to feel guilty or ashamed of their ancestors. They instead learn that the majority of Americans no longer find it acceptable to openly express racist views or discriminate against people of color. Nevada is wise not to limit classroom instruction regarding historical discrimination. It would create a solution to a problem that does not exist.

In contrast, modern-day Russia and China utilize biased curriculum and instructional materials to indoctrinate students about societal beliefs and thereby control the population. In the U.S., we should continue to move away from this method of political brain-washing. A free society grows stronger when frailties are exposed and corrected. Indoctrination is not knowledge.


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