From Pine View Farm

Going Bananas (Republic) 0

The small city of Oroville, located in the mountainous area of California about halfway between San Francisco and the Oregon state line, has declared itself independent of its state. In a long and fascinating article at the Sacramento Bee, Josh Gohlke considers the implications. A nugget (emphasis added):

But Oroville’s bananas republic is most intriguing as a hyperlocal expression of national insanity. As one of the resolution’s own champions, Oroville Mayor Chuck Reynolds, acknowledged, it “doesn’t change anything” for practical purposes. It could change plenty, however, that our democratic union has fallen so far in the estimation of so many, including the putative leaders of a whole California town, that they would so casually dismiss any obligation to it beyond their personal and political whims.

While this measure might sound like a stray trickle from the town beneath the nation’s tallest dam, it’s part of a much larger atmospheric river of misinformation. For a variety of supposed reasons and one real one — namely, that majority rule no longer seems likely to put certain politicians in power — it’s become fashionable in certain circles to point out, as if it’s a crucial distinction, that “America is a republic, not a democracy.”

It is another indication that some of our polity have abandoned the concept of the common good (or, if you prefer, Will Bunch’s phrasing, the public good).


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