February, 2022 archive
Just as Stupid as You Thought They Were 0
Truckers who need to check their GPS locations.
A Tune for the Times 0
From the Youtube page:
Trump loves to “go with a winner”, and he sees Vladimir Putin as a HUGE winner of late, making major real estate acquisitions with very little investment of his own, just as Trump always did. Trump can’t help but envy Putin’s incredible ability to skip legalities and jump right to the ‘moving-in’ stage. That, and Putin’s ability to look good shirtless give Trump a major case of “nipple envy”, but in a really wholesome, Christian sort of way.
A Fifth Columnist 0
Margaret Sullivan profiles an American Quisling.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
A study in a medical journal calculates the cost of NRA Paradise. Here’s a bit from the news report:
Game of Thrones 0
I do not see what Vladimir Putin hopes to gain by attacking Ukraine, other than a step towards the resurrection of the Russian Empire. It does not seem to be a rational move in any sort of chess game of international diplomacy.
Bloomberg’s Andrew Kluth argues that, indeed, it is not.
The Fifth Column 0
At Above the Law, Alaric Dearment minces no words about Putin’s American dupes, symps, and fellow travelers. A snippet:
More unminced words at the link.
All the History that Fits 0
The writer of a letter to the editor of the South Jersey Times offers what I consider a reasonable explanation for Republican’s book-banning frenzy. Follow the link and see for yourself.