From Pine View Farm

Cavalcade of Crazy 0

(Note: Unrelated phone call about COVID prevention efforts in Davis County, CA, starts at the 3:41 mark.)


I’ve read the Bible through six times in two different translations. It gave me great comfort in one of the worst times of my life, now some decades ago. I can assure you that Jesus said nothing about shooting Commies–or anyone else, for that matter–in the face.

If you are looking for a readable English translation of the Bible, I recommend the Jerusalem Bible. It’s the only contemporary translation I’ve encountered that combines readability with an elegance of language that can stand with the KJV.

I fear, though, that my faith has been shaken severely, indeed, almost destroyed, by those Americans who most loudly and publicly proclaim themselves to be “Christian”; if they be “Christian,” Christian morality necessitates that I repudiate them, and their beliefs.

Indeed, the more I see of the world, the more I think that Durkheim was right. God did not create man. Man created God.


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