From Pine View Farm

Vaccine Nation 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Dr. Dustin Ballard tells the story of a friend of his, whom he calls “Alice,” who got sucked into the cultish anti-vaxx world. In the process, he explores what attracts persons to and keeps them loyal to cults that feed on and ratify misinformation. Here’s a bit:

Our COVID era of uncertainty and isolation just doesn’t seem to be going away. Rates of anxiety, depression and substance abuse have skyrocketed. So, it’s no surprise that a kind of cult mentality might be serving many as a psychological safety blanket—like it has for Alice. She has a community of like-minded people cheering her on as she fights with her family and community about masks, vaccines, and whether COVID even exists. Not even her own mother’s illness swayed Alice—when she heard she was sick, she jumped in the car to deliver a supply of ivermectin.

I think his article casts some light on those among us who would deny the evidence of things seen.


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