From Pine View Farm

Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

At the Charlotte Observer, Issac Bailey notes that we are seeing a trend of would-be oppressors claiming to be victims: Persons who wish to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, etc., are claiming that they are the real victims of discrimination because they are not allowed to discriminate. It’s a marvelous mental mobius strip of malicious mendacity.

Bailey also notes that such claims have a long history in the United States. Here’s a bit of his article:

It’s a well-worn story whose roots reach back to this nation’s founding. White enslavers claimed they were the real victims because they didn’t have a real say over the laws they were governed by. White Southerners claimed they were the real victims because a war they began to preserve slavery ended with the near destruction of this region and most of their wealth. White business owners were upset they could no longer freely discriminate against black customers, and white parents howled when the Supreme Court put the final nail in the coffin of officially-sanctioned Jim Crow.

Now, a growing number of white conservatives and others have been making the case that being called racist or the removal or rethinking of traditional standards that had long favored them is the real discrimination.


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