From Pine View Farm

A Question of Identification 0

Sam and his crew discuss an exchange between Matt Walsh and a college student who had to unmitigated gall to question him. First, they air the edited version as released the Young America’s Foundation, then a longer version, and critique the differences.

Commentary from the Majority Report’s Youtube page is below the fold.

In a recent video posted by Young America’s Foundation, Matt Walsh was asked by a college student why his or any person’s belief in religion isn’t also called into question the way Walsh calls trans issues into question because they supposedly defy science. Walsh refused to answer the question, then claimed he couldn’t hear the audience member.

The student’s question was a valid one. Walsh is a vocal critic of transgender people, often arguing that their identities are not based in science. However, he has never offered a similar critique of religion, despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of God.

Walsh’s refusal to answer the student’s question is a sign of his intellectual dishonesty. He is clearly aware of the hypocrisy of his position, but he is unwilling to confront it. Instead, he resorts to petty tactics like claiming he can’t hear the person asking the question.

This video is a reminder of the dangers of intolerance and bigotry. Walsh is a bully who uses his platform to spread hate and misinformation. He is a threat to our society, and we must all stand up to him.


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