From Pine View Farm

April, 2023 archive

“All in a Day’s Work” 0

You may recall that Newport News, just on the other side of James River from where I sit, is where a first-grader shot his teacher. Now Newport News wants the teacher’s law suit to be dismissed. Here’s a bit from the article at Law and Crime:

Zwerner suffered life-threatening injuries and sued the school district and administrators earlier this month, alleging negligence and reckless disregard on the part of the school district.

On Wednesday, the school board asked that the lawsuit be dismissed.

The motion from the school district, which notes that Zwerner has so far refused to accept payment under Virginia’s Workers’ Compensation Act, argues that the Newport News Circuit Court doesn’t have jurisdiction over the case because being shot by a first-grader is, essentially, a risk that all teachers take.

It’s been a long time since I was a first-grader, but I’m pretty sure that none of my classmates came to school packing heat. Heck, for that matter, I can say that about my 12th-grade classmates. And my college and grad school classmates. And my co-workers in every job I ever had.

We are a broken society.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another “responsible gun owner” is an oxymoron. Yet another child learns about hospitals.


The Lake Effect, Republican Cancel Culture Dept. 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts is less than enamored with Kari Lake’s notion Republicans don’t need presidential primaries next year because Donald Trump already has the nomination sewn up.

And, in more news of Republican cancel culture . . . .


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Thinking of the firings of Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon, Jill Switzer has a wonder:

Why do some people think that being on broadcast TV, cable, or any other outlet gives them permission to say whatever they think without regard to consequences? . . . Whatever happened to the days when it was “just the facts,” and viewers could draw their own conclusions based on unbiased reportage?

Her entire article is worth a look.



John Avlon:

Us and against them is the opposite of our national motto, e pluribus unum: Out of many, one.


A Tune for the Times 0


Precedented 0

George B. Dew sees an historical precedent for Florida Governor DeSantis.

In the end, governor, I’m afraid to tell you this, but I think I must. It’s not Jefferson or Madison or Patrick Henry you resemble.

It’s King George III.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


The Privatization Scam 0

The Orlando Sentinel’s Scott Maxwell reports on the difficulties reporters encounter in trying to find out what Florida is getting in return for its school voucher money. A snippet; details at the link:

Sadly, the Florida politicians who promoter “school choice” don’t want parents and watchdogs to know what’s going on inside those schools. They demand accountability from public schools, but let voucher schools run wild. They are truly, as the Sentinel has been documenting for years now, “Schools without Rules.”


A Question of Identification 0

Sam and his crew discuss an exchange between Matt Walsh and a college student who had to unmitigated gall to question him. First, they air the edited version as released the Young America’s Foundation, then a longer version, and critique the differences.

Commentary from the Majority Report’s Youtube page is below the fold.

Read more »


Kidnapped! 0

Michael Liedtke tells of his experience with a driverless cab in San Francisco.


Ii am–er–let’s just say–highly skeptical that self-driving cars will be a thing.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another case of neighborly politeness.


The Bird Hunter 0

Florida Woman.



Theodore Parker:

The books that help you the most are those which make you think the most.


Suffer the Children 0

Title:  The Perks of Child Labor.  Frame One:  As a child moves parcels, man says,

Click for the original image.


The Crypto Con 0

At Above the Law, Jonathan Wolf delivers a (Taylor) Swift blow to those who could not (or would not) see through the hype.

Excerpt or summary will not do his piece justice. Just go read it.


A Day in the Life in These United States 0

Two girl scouts pulling a wagon filled with boxes of cookies get ready to ring a doorbell.  Through the window, a man aiming an assault rifle at the door is visible.  One of the girl scouts says,

Via Yellowdoggranny.


The Squeaker of the House 0

Like Farron, I don’t agree with everything Joe Biden has done, but I consider him a man of honor–after all, he was my Senator for many years when I lived in Delaware and I know his track record–and I vote in the real world (see the sidebar, over there —–> on the right).


All the News that Fits 0

Methinks Werner Herzog’s Bear makes a valid point. For those of us who believe in facts and truth, it’s satisfying that Tucker Carlson got his walking papers, but it doesn’t mean that Fox News and its dupes, symps, and fellow travelers are considering mending their ways or that they will stop spreading lies and twisting facts.

Here’s bit of Mr. Bear’s article (emphasis added):

Yesterday’s news that Fox let go of Tucker Carlson was met with some rejoicing in liberal circles, but the wise heads were not moved. In the first place, this fits a larger pattern. Fox has dumped Beck, O’Reilly, and Dobbs, and their message has not moderated a wit. A new demagogue will surely take Carlson’s place. Liberals also fail to understand that the audience has the agency here.

People like Tucker aren’t just radicalizing their audience, they are also responding to their audience’s radical demands.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Speaking of turtles . . . .

We are a broken society.


Facebook Frolics 0

The vice of the turtler.

From Pine View Farm
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