From Pine View Farm

A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

Donald Trump is disliked by most decent folks, but his very worst enemy is himself. This was never more apparent than in the E. Jean Carroll case where, if Donald had shut up and acted intelligently, the jury might have slapped him with an amount closer to the 5 million from his first case. Because he went on and on, attacking Carroll over and over after the first defamation case was done, the jury came to the conclusion that the only way to get him to stop attacking Carroll was to assess a settlement of WAY more than the original 5 million. The result was an 83 million dollar financial muzzle to get him to stop his ugly barking. So far, it seems to have worked. We’ll see. If not, he’ll likely face a third case in which the jury will have to up the stakes to get his attention. I’m rather hoping that happens.


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