From Pine View Farm

The Search for the Scream 0

Yesterday, I climbed my stairs and heard a high-pitched screaming sound that came from I knew not where, but it seemed to be coming from my room.

I entered my room, but could not locate its source. It seemed to come from everywhere.

I went to the breaker box and opened the breaker for my room and the sound went away, proving it came from my room.

I closed the breaker and the sound came back, still seeming to come from everywhere.

I unplugged things, but could not find its source. I called my friend for help. As she came up stairs, I found it, after crawling under my desk. My UPS, which was located under my desk, had died and was screaming its scream of death. After six years of faithful service, it had given up its ghost. (As my old mechanic would have said, after six years, it didn’t owe me a dime.)

I removed it and plugged everything back into various power strips, then I went out and bought a new UPS.

I don’t enjoy crawling about on the floor. I will install the new UPS when I feel like crawling around on the floor again.

But, at least, the screaming has gone away.


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