From Pine View Farm

It’s All about the Algorithm 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Christine Louise Hohlbaum discusses David Donnelly’s documentary, The Cost of Convenience, which explores the extent to which corporate digital surveillance has been woven into our society and economy. Here’s an excerpt:

The truth is that every move we make is being recorded, online and off. Through our excessive smartphone usage, so-called digital versions of ourselves are being tracked. Algorithms learn our preferences and keep feeding us more of the same in an endless feedback loop. It has created a deep rift in society, polarizing us to the point of paralysis. In essence, this film is an exploration of how far down the rabbit hole we are. It is about maximizing profits, not optimizing people’s lives.

She ends the article with some suggestions as to how to fight back.

Me, I’m going to keep an eye out for the film.


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