Geek Stuff category archive
The Crypto Con in This New Gilded Age 0
Here’s the lede, via Truthout. Follow the link for the details
Not that those pushing crypto might have any ulterior motives . . . .
Facebook Frolics 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Michael Patrick Lynch argues that, given the reach of Facebook and its sister “social” media apps, the Zuckerborg’s decision to eschew fact-checking has serious implications for the future of democracy. He cites Hanna Arendt:
Follow the link for his arguments.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Infallible? I got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, sucker.
Security maven Bruce Schneier offers some thoughts how to deal with AI mistakes.
Facebook Frolics 0
Zeynep Tufekci offers a theory as to why Mark Zuckerberg seems to have thrown his lot in with Donald Trump (while simultaneously getting rid of fact-checking). Here’s the gist:
Follow the link for context.
Have You Been Assimilated by the Zuckerborg?
Do You Want To Free Yourself?
My friend got a message yesterday from a friend informing her that said friend was leaving Facebook “because facts matter.”
Coincidentally, this appeared in my feeds:
the EFF offers some pointers as to how to dis-assimilate oneself from the Zuckerborg.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Truthful? Let Beloit professor Robin Zebrowski answer that:
Follow the link for the context of that statement.
The Crypto Con 0
He says it came to him in a dream, which, methinks, is a fancy way of saying he dreamed it up.
The Crypto Con 0
You may dig it (if you do, know that you’ve been conned), but, per a British court ruling, this guy can’t.
Via El Reg, which has more about crypto cons.
Facebook Frolics 0
Sam and the crew dissect the dissimulations of the digital despot.
The EFF also has–er–qualms after a second reading of the Zuckerborg’s new policy. A bit from their post:
One more time, “social” media isn’t.
The Crypto Cons 0
Yes, it appears that there’s more than one.
Via Balloon Juice, Bluesky user “jon of the north” talks taxonomy and offers a classification of the cons.
Facebook Frolics 0
Shorter Mark Zuckerberg: Facts schmacks.
Here’s a bit from the CNN report:
Zuckerberg, however, acknowledged a “tradeoff” in the new policy, noting more harmful content will appear on the platform as a result of the content moderation changes.
Methinks “politically biased” in the passage above is Zuckerspeak for “keep calling out right-wing lies,” but that’s just me.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
Competent to draft a legal filing? You must be high on your own supply.
Broadcasters of Blather on the Disinformation Superhighway 0
Cathrine V. Jansson-Boyd, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, asks a (rhetorical) question (emphasis on the original):
Follow the link for her thoughts on the answer, and, remember, “social” media isn’t.
Yeah, I know that they don’t call it “Psychology Today Blogs” anymore, but I continue to use the term to distinguish individuals’ blog posts from the magazine’s articles.
A Bum Steer 0
A Tesla on “auto-pilot” goes off on track.
Facebook Makes Plans To Become Fakebook As If It Weren’t Already 0
The ‘intelligence” may be artificial, but the stupid is real.
Artificial? Yes. Intelligent? Not So Much. 0
The dialog: How about your night watchman?
The closed caption: How about your knife watchman?
The artificial intelligence: Shall we say, not as sharp as a knife?
Extra-Special Bonus QOTD 0
Leo Chavez and Dan Simmons:
It’s not artificial intelligence. . . . It’s enhanced automation.
The relevent discussion takes place at about the one hour 20 minute mark.
(And, yeah, I”m behind on some the podcasts I regularly listen to.)