From Pine View Farm

Hypocrisy Watch category archive

Hollow Hearts and Empty Prayers 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Arthur Dobrin explores the hollow hypocrisy of “thoughts and prayers.” A snippet”

The Hallmark card response waiting to be taken off the shelf is inadequate. It is action that is needed. When society realized that unregulated drinking wreaked havoc on highways, we instituted strictly laws around drinking and driving. Those whose lives have been devastated by natural disasters need to get relief in terms of aid that helps them rebuild their lives. When an illness becomes an epidemic, we need to not only stanch its spread but put in place measures that prevent a future outbreak.

If all we say is “sorry for your loss” when that loss isn’t addressed by action that prevents further deaths, then the expressions of sympathy can actually be harmful. Saying isn’t the same as doing. Saying the right words may make the speaker feel good but it only helps if there is some action attached to it.


Dude-Bros, Reprise 0

One of the most powerful weapons of rape culture for centuries has been indoctrinating victims, particularly women, to believe that, if they are abused, it’s somehow their fault, rather than the fault of the abusers. As our society has gotten more open about sex and sexual behavior (and, some would say, cruder), that may be changing. According the San Jose Mercury-News, women in tech have become more willing to expose the misconduct of tech dude-bros. Here’s a bit from a much longer article:

Now investors and entrepreneurs alike are scrambling for solutions. Insiders say sexual harassment is a rampant problem in an industry dominated by male investors and founders. Just 7 percent of partners at the top venture capital firms are women, and only 17 percent of startups have a female founder, according to Crunchbase studies.

Sixty percent of those women report experiencing sexual harassment, according to “Elephant in the Valley,” a 2015 survey by venture capitalist Trae Vassallo and others of more than 200 female tech executives, founders and investors.

“It’s reached epidemic proportions in Silicon Valley, and there’s so much more that needs to be done,” said San Francisco-based angel investor Karen Bairley Kruger, who founded Wingpact to support female entrepreneurs and investors.


“Thou Shalt Not Covet” 0

(But looting and smuggling are A-okay.)

Hobby Lobby will pay $3 million and return thousands of biblical artifacts smuggled into the U.S.

The craft store chain imported the items into the U.S. after deciding in 2009 to start collecting “a variety of historical Bibles and other artifacts.” Hobby Lobby said the cuneiform tablets and lay bullae were antiquities “consistent with the company’s mission and passion for the Bible.”

According to the story (follow the link), the items were mislabeled for import and purchased from anonymous sources. Furthermore, looting the historical artifacts of other countries is against the law. (I recall seeing reports of such rumors during the Iraq war.)

Shame Hobby Lobby doesn’t have the same passion for honesty and integrity that it claims to have for covetousness. Maybe it should read that Bible sometime.


A bit of advice: When someone loudly proclaims his or her own Christianity, lock up your possessions and your children.


It’s Definitive 0

Get out of Jail free card

Some words don’t mean what you think they mean.


Now, imagine that the individual in question is Not White.


Skewed Perspective 0

Title:  Questions.  Scene One:  White woman to young white woman holding baby:  Aw, is that your little brother?  To young black woman holding baby:  Aw, is they your son?  Scene Two:  Doctor to white high school senior girl:  What colleges have you applied to?  To black high school senior girl:  Will you be the first person in your family to graduate high school?  Scene three:  Girl to white female classmate:  What's your major?  To black female classmate:  Are you the first person in your family to go toe college?  Man to young white woman:  Do you have any kids?  To young black woman:  How many kids do you have?  Female doctor to white woman with little baby:  What does your husband do?  To youg black woman with baby:  Is the father still in the picture?

And, in more news of the skewed . . . .

Via Job’s Anger.


Practice Makes Perfect 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Lydia Denworth considers a recent study of proficiency in perfidy. Here’s the gist; more at the link:

Once we start lying, the extent of our dishonesty increases over time. And when that happens, our brain begins to tamp down its emotional response to our own immoral behavior, signaling in effect that lying is no big deal. That makes it easier to lie again … and again . . . and again. (Perhaps that explains some of what happened on the campaign trail this year.)


Goldman’s Sacks 0

Via Raw Story.


All the News that Fits 0


The Trouble with Education 0

This pretty much sums up what’s wrong with public schools. It’s not the schools, it’s Republican-controlled governments that do not believe in the public good.

My daughter is a high school teacher. She (we . . . I) bought those supplies so she could give them to her students, who cannot afford them.

After we stuffed her basket with folders and paper for her students, she started looking at office supplies like staplers and paper clips. “Doesn’t your school give you those for your classroom?” I asked innocently. “No,” she replied, literally shaking her head.

The night before her first day of school, she received an email stating that the school is no longer able to supply ink for her classroom printer. So now she must purchase that as well.

Follow the link for more.


You Too Can Be on Television! 0

At Science 2.0, Edzard Ernst explains how to become a charlatan.


Healthy Discussion 0

Man wears

Via Juanita Jean.


The Courage of Their Carryings-On 0

Get out of Jail free cardPlaintiffs leading a lawsuit against online dating website Ashley Madison over a security breach that exposed the personal data of customers must publicly identify themselves to proceed with the case, a US judge has ruled.

Forty-two plaintiffs, seeking to represent users of the website who had their information compromised, had proceeded anonymously against Ashley Madison’s Toronto-based parent company Avid Life Media, the ruling released on 6 April showed.

I really can’t find it in me to have much sympathy for the plaintiffs.

Really, the chutzpah just leaves me sputtering.


How Stuff Works, Bundy Bund Dept. 0

Waitress:  So why are you occupying a Fed'ral facility?  Cowboy:  T' force the guvmint's hand!  Waitress:  To force the governmint's hand to do what?  Cowboy:  Overreach of authority to take what the Almight ordained belonged to us!  Bystander:  I'm lost here.  Waitress:  He doesn't want to pay taxes.  Cowbow:  You make it sound a lot less noble when you summarize it.

Click for a larger image.

Update, after This Was Drafted*:

Bundy Bund bundled.

It appears that the Feds were using an enforcement technique known as “Give ‘Em Enough Rope . . . .”


*You didn’t think I do all this in real time, did you?

I write a bunch of stuff, then I go off and do other stuff. Then I write stuff. It’s the Great Cycle of Drivel.


Decoding de Code 0

One more time: A complaint about “political correctness” means “I want license to be nasty without penalty.”


All That Was Old Is New Again 0

“Forced busing.”

When I was a young ‘un, back in the olden days, I was forced bused.

I was forced bused right past the black high school to the white high school farther down the road. This clown no doubt would have thought that that was the bee’s knees and the cat’s meow.


The Laws Belay 0

Couple looking at sign saying

Click for a larger image.


“Who’s Sorry Now?” 0

Hardly anyone, it seems.


Stray Question 0

Will there come a time when persons who have carnal thoughts be willing to admit that their thoughts are their thoughts, and not some phenomenon foisted upon them by outside agency?

Really, now, if you have a dirty mind, own up to it, take pride in it, revel in it, and, for Pete’s sake, stop blaming others for your carnal thoughts.

They are your thoughts and no one else’s.

Full disclosure:

I have nothing against dirty minds. Mine’s as dirty as they come.

I do have lots of things against hypocrites and Miss (and Mr.) Grundys.

Read more »


The New Crusaders 0

Giles Frazier writes of England, but his words apply throughout (to use an old term) Christendom.

For years our politicians have piggy-backed upon Christian morality for electoral advantage. We should “feel proud that this is a Christian country”, said Cameron earlier this year (pre-election, of course), in what some might uncharitably see as a call to maintain a Muslim-free view from his Cotswold village. But there is no respectable Christian argument for fortress Europe, surrounded by a new iron curtain of razor wire to keep poor, dark-skinned people out.

More at the link.


Intolerance: Yet Another Republican Family Value 0

The Bangor Daily News spotlights the hypocrisy of those who would unleash the hate-full in the name of tolerance. A snippet:

Oddly, Mike Lee, R-Utah, frequently uses the word “tolerance” when talking about the bill he sponsored.

“Our country,” he told NPR in a recent interview, “was founded on a proud tradition of religious freedom and tolerance.”

That freedom, however, meant that Americans were free from a state-established religion. As a result, no one religious view is favored over another, nor should one be forced upon citizens with different beliefs.

Worse, tolerance, in Lee’s view, only goes in one direction. Religious institutions, including colleges and universities that receive federal funding, should be allowed to refuse to hire those who don’t follow their beliefs. Those institutions, however, don’t have to tolerate those whose beliefs and lifestyles don’t conform to their world view.

Read the rest.
