Life under the Regency category archive
Quids, Quos, and Medicine Shows 0
The Regency Medicine Show gets more interesting.
The supplement is at the heart of the corruption trial of McDonnell and his wife, Maureen. They are charged with soliciting more than $160,000 in loans, gifts and other favors from businessman Jonnie Williams in exchange for promoting the product made by Williams’ company, Star Scientific.
Lots more at the link.
Gifts and Grifts in the Old Dominion 0
Jon Stewart takes on the case of the Regent and the Medicine Showman.
Moved below the fold because it autoplays on some systems.
Casablanca on the James 0
Dick Polman looks at the Regent and remembers Rick’s American Cafe.
In related news, a letter writer to my local rag reveals who won the bet on the defense strategy.
The Unraveling of the Regency, What’s My Line Dept. 0
Vivian Paige, preeminent local politics blogger and columnist for my local rag, asks, “Will the real Regent please stand up?”
Either McDonnell didn’t take his own advice, or the defense is just an effort to win an acquittal. In either case, the Bob McDonnell of 1989 wouldn’t recognize the Bob McDonnell of 2014.
The Unraveling of the Regency 0
The Regent went on trial today, and the trail opened with a bombshell.
Here’s a snippet from a long report in my local rag:
Attorney Bill Burck said Maureen McDonnell was unhappy and lonely as a governor’s wife. By the time Williams came onto the scene, the former first couple were “barely on speaking terms,” but were “putting on a brave face” for the public.
Burck said Williams used Maureen McDonnell to get to her husband, lavishing her with the “attention and time” she was not getting from “the other man in her life.”
Family Values. It’s a Republican thing.
Video ia C&L, which has more.
“I Love a Parade” 0
It appears that the Regent also loves him a parade.
Last month Spencer agreed to an initial 10 blank subpoenas for McDonnell. The former governor’s lawyers say blank subpoenas are critical to the defense in order to keep certain witnesses’ names from the prosecution and the public via the media.
When I entered college, I wanted to be a lawyer. Then I met some law students . . . .
Anyhoo, from my non-lawyerly perspective, I think the Regent’s legal staff has decided that their only available strategy is to raise so much dust that the truth becomes obscured by clouds.
More dust bunnies at the link.
A Question of Character 0
The Regent wants himself some character witnesses. A nugget:
Prosecutors argued in their motion last month that any more than three character witnesses would be redundant. McDonnell’s attorneys disagreed.
In my experience, persons who have character don’t need wi–oh, never mind.
Mean to Green 0
Dan Casey recounts the strange tale of the “greenie tax.” A snippet:
The cockamamie idea (along with many others–ed.) emerged from then-Gov. Bob McDonnell’s administration.
It’s been repealed, but yet lives one (at least for another three weeks). Follow the link for more.
No Trial Separation . . . 0
. . . for the Regent and Milady. They are stuck with each other.
Bob and Maureen McDonnell will have their day in court, together, even if they would rather not.
U.S. District Judge James R. Spencer in three orders Tuesday denied motions by both defendants to dismiss many of the charges they face, to separate their trials, or give them access to communication records between prosecutors and the grand jury.
A rule of thumb, though not an ironclad one: the weaker attorneys’ cases, the more pretrial motions they file. It’s the W. C. Fields theory of jurisprudence.
Separate Checks 0
Persons often ask for them when they are in a trial marriage.
This gives new meaning to the term, “trial separation.”
The Regent Goes to the Dance 0
The Regent’s defense lawyers are trying every trick in the book to blow smoke around his prosecution for taking favors from Jonnie Williams, purveyor of magickal nicotine pills.
Follow the link for the dance card.
Delayed Compensation 0
The Regent, still at the public trough:
There’s an old joke that goes,
Q. How do you go bankrupt?
A. A little bit at a time, then all at once.
I think that’s how The Regent got into his mess: a little bit at a time and then all at once.
Makers and Takers 0
Looks like the Regent will be in the news a bit longer.
Details of the indictment were not immediately available, but the source said it stems from the McDonnells’ relationship with former Star Scientific chief executive Jonnie R. Williams Sr.
Frankly, I do not think that MacDonnell was knowingly on the take in a tit-for-tat manner, but I do think he took when he should not have and probably allowed his judgment to affected. I am also confident that he is stunned at finding himself in this mess, for I am certain that he is convinced of his own virtue.
As corruption goes, it’s stupid penny ante stuff, stuff that would get the Regent laughed out of Louisiana or New Jersey, for example. Nevertheless, it illustrates once more the Republican conviction that wealth ipso facto means virtue.
Cooch’s Parting Shots 0
Always a fighter, I reckon:
Fortunately, Governor McAuliffe seems to be choosing to disdain Cooch’s bigotry.
It’s safe to say we haven’t heard the last of the Cooch and the rest of the Cuckoos.
Exit the Regent 0
This is the end of the Regent’s term as Governor of Virginia. Indeed, Governor McAuliffe is being sworn in right about now.
Brian Devine thinks that the Regent’s term was memorable. Find out why.
The Regent’s Plan To Turn Tidewater Back into Tollwater Is Clearly a Failure . . . 0
. . . for we all know that a lamer website means a failed policy. It’s ACA rules.
VDOT website crashes after Hampton Roads drivers rush to get E-ZPass
The policy is a failure for many other reasons, not the least because it exemplifies the Commonwealth’s selling out to the highest bidder its responsibility for providing for the transportation needs of its citizens.
A crashed website, though, is nothing more than a crashed website.
Can’t Kick the Habit 0
The Regency ends officially on January 11, but it looks like Virginia’s addiction to magickal nicotine pills will continue for quite a while.
And in the waning days of McDonnell’s tenure, it’s unclear when those deals expire because the contracts binding them stipulate they “will continue” through an undefined completion point.
When I went to college, I thought I wanted be a lawyer.
Then I got to know some law students . . . .
It is a truism that every lawyer is a crook until you need one (and, when I needed one, I’ve always found persons of integrity), but, really, now, open-ended contracts?