From Pine View Farm

Politics of Hate category archive

Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Frame One:  Donald Trump says,

Click for the original image.


The Rule of Lawless 0

GOP Elephant says to Donald Trump,

Click to view the original image.


Immunity Impunity 0

If it’s not in a database, then it must have never happened.


Stray Thought 0

It occurs to me that Trump’s MAGA slogan is in rhyming code.

The third word is one that rhymes with “great,” but actually starts with the next letter of the alphabet. And he’s made it come true.

Here’s just one little example.


“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0

Writing at the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal hears a disturbing rhyme, one that she says “brought me back to Germany in 1938.” Follow the link to find out why.


It’s one I also hear.


*Mark Twain.


Know Them by the Company They Keep 0

Joe Conason looks at J. D. Vance’s recent remarks during a visit to Germany and makes a strong case that Vance is running with a bad crowd.

Just go read it.


Indoctrination Nation 0

David parses the implications of some of Linda McMahon’s testimony in her confirmation hearings. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


The Rule of Lawless 0

Robert Reich wonders when if it will end.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

And now they’re even Bragging about it.


Their cover story is flimsier than a house made out of straw.

It’s quite clear to what audience they bow.


Know Them by the Company They Keep Hire 0

Persons look into the Treasury Dept. to find a person in a KKK suit at a computer.  The Klansman says,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Past Is Prologue 0

Frame One, captioned

Image via Job’s Anger.


The Disappeared 0

Trumpling DEI at NASA:

Those folks are diverse. Don’t admit that they exist.


Executive Disorder 0

Or possibly a disordered executive. Or both?

Frame One:  Man says to Trump,

Click to view the original image.


The Rule of Lawless 0

PoliticalProf notes that there is a implicit caveat regarding the rule of law.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

A Texas judge who was dealing with immigration case decided to visit the Texas-Mexico border. What he found was not what we’re being told. Here’s a tiny bit from his article:

What I saw in the courtroom fueled my desire to go to see it for myself. What I found was astonishingly different from the chaos often portrayed in the media and in legal circles. I saw a border that was secure, with helicopters patrolling and law enforcement officers working in an orderly process. Migrants waited for months in Mexican border towns for their turn to legally enter, going through extensive screenings, interviews and sponsor verifications. To call them “illegals” is not only misleading but dismisses the effort and legality of their actions.

Follow the link for some of the lessons he learned.


The Fires This Time 0

Farron dissects the GOP ransom note.

I don’t think it’s pushing the envelope to suggest that today’s Republican Party is willing, to paraphrase the Founders, to put faction over nation six days a week and twice on Sundays.


Happy New Year! 0

Caption:  Year of the Snake.  Image:  Snake with Donald Trump's face.  Along the snake's body appear the word

Via Job’s Anger.


Suffer the Children 0

It’s a Republican family value.

Donald,  holding a club:  I want to start this new mandaate by sending a clear message about how brave and powerful I am.  Out-of-Frame Voice:  Great.  Should we bring you Putin them?  Trump:  What?  No.  Voice:  China.  Trump:  No.  Voice:  Iran?  Trump:  No.  Any other dictatorship?  Trump:  No. . . . Bring me a few brown kids from their school.

Click for the original image.


The Party of Flaw and Disorder, One More Time 0

Donald Trump speaks to a crowd of red hats,

Click to view the original image.


Executive Disorders 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice points out that Donald Trump’s attempt to halt disbursement of legally appropriate funds by decree executive order is–er–of dubious legality. Here’s a tiny bit of his article:

In case you’re wondering, the 1974 Impoundment Control Act (ICA), yet another good governance statute rooted in America’s Nixon hangover, explicitly bars refusing to spend congressional appropriations like this. But once and future OMB General Counsel Mark Paoletta believes the power of the purse is more of a suggestion and that presidents can take money allocated by Congress and say, “Nah, I’m good. I’ll keep this one.”


Whatever you might say about the price of eggs and gas (here, they have both risen since the election), it seems clear that Trump intends to keep one campaign promise, however flippantly he made it: To be a dictator . . . ..

From Pine View Farm
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