Words Fail Me category archive
Influencer Idiocy 0
“Social” media is turning us into a society of stupid.
Soulless 0
Every news report about gas prices or inflation should start with, “Remember, there’s a war going on.” And maybe also with “and a pandemic.”
Instead, we–at least some of us–would pretend that we are somehow separate from and not affected by the rest of the world.
Image via Job’s Anger.
Republican Family Values 0
Honest to Betsy, in a sane polity, you couldn’t make this stuff up.
Fly the Fiendly Skies . . . . 0
. . . and meet Florida Man.
Do Unto Others . . . . 0
. . . and Florida Man did.
“Facts Are What People Think” 0
At the Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Patricia Murphy discusses a number of absolutely screwy proposals that have lately been introduced in the Georgia legislature. One, for example, would drop the requirement to vaccinate dogs and cats against rabies, a requirement that has been validated by over a century of science and experience.
You can read the full story at the link. Indeed, I urge you do do so–some of these bills are completely unmoored from reality.
I point only to this telling excerpt to illustrate that some in our polity have chosen to live–and vote–in a fantasy world:
“Actually it’s well documented,” state Sen. Elena Parent responded.
“Well you have your facts, I have my facts, so that’s fair,” he reasoned.
Taking a beat, Parent responded, “Um, no.”
Up on the Roof 0
A trip to the grocery store ends badly.