Real Big Men, Legends in Their Own Minds Dept. 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Eric Solomon demolishes the myth that the bullying “Alpha Male” is the model for effective leadership. He makes four main points (emphasis added);
- Alpha leadership is a lie. Fear doesn’t create strong teams—psychological safety does.
- Swagger isn’t strength. Real leaders empower; weak leaders hoard power and leave wreckage behind.
- Control isn’t leadership. The best leaders build trust, not dominance or intimidation.
- Real leaders create legacy. Power fades, but impact lasts—long after you’re gone.
Given the the behavior of certain folks in the news, I find this article a most timely read.
The points he makes correspond to my own working experience. The best bosses I had–the ones who got the best (and the most) work out of me–gave me the feeling that if I was working with them, not for them.
“Just the Fakes, Ma’am” 0
Security maven Bruce Schneier takes a look at why fact-checking fake memes on “social” media seems futile. A nugget:
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
This time, politeness goes to the cats.
We are a broken society.
All the News that Fits 0
Steve M. makes a persuasive case that our news media does not understand the news they claim to be reporting.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” performs a random act of politeness.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.
(Yeah, I know, my little ditty gets old. So does the stupid.)
The Rule of Lawless 0
PoliticalProf notes that there is a implicit caveat regarding the rule of law.
Devolution 0
In less than two weeks, we seem to have gone from a government of checks and balances to one that is unbalanced and unchecked.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
A Texas judge who was dealing with immigration case decided to visit the Texas-Mexico border. What he found was not what we’re being told. Here’s a tiny bit from his article:
Follow the link for some of the lessons he learned.
“Nice Little Business You’ve Got Here. Wouldn’t Want Anything To Happen to It.” 0
Joe Conason marvels at Trump’s grift of grab. A snippet:
Follow the link for context.
Store Crazy 0
Florida Woman goes bananas.