From Pine View Farm

Symbolism 1

As a Southerner, I know the mixed feelings about the Confederate battle ensign.

But, nonetheless, I also know what it means to most of the world.

Indeed, my brother summed that up in a quotation in this post.

So, as far as I am concerned, when Cheney’s cronies fly the Stars and Bars, it sends a message.

Or, probably more likely, it tells a truth.


1 comment

  1. Karen

    November 4, 2007 at 10:14 am

    I saw a Confederate flag once, on the roof of a car. My mother, in her younger years, had a date with a man that turned out to be the grand dragon of the K.K.K. He picked her up in his car that had the flag on the top. Stupid woman still went with him. She said he was a moron, when she got home. She also refused other requests for dates.