From Pine View Farm

Torpedo, Baby, Torpedo 0

The wingnut mafia has started to float a theory that the oil gusher in the Gulf resulted, not from an accident, but from sabotage.

This seems to serve two purposes:

  • Divert the attention from Big Oil.
  • Provide an enemy about whom to panic (see my post from Monday on the rhetoric of panic).

Noz deconstructs the argument:

. . . that just shows how stupid they are. isn’t offshore drilling just as bad an idea if the gush is due to negligence of sabotage? in this age of terrorism, wouldn’t the potential for sabotage be yet another reason that offshore drilling is a really bad idea?

if you’re going to come up with a conspiracy theory to suit your political purposes, maybe you should make sure it actually suits your political purposes.


A reader of TPM suggests that an undercurrent to this is to drum into persons dear little ears until they believe it that the government’s response was slow.


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