Chameleon Nights 0
Daniel Ruth considers how the South weaves its magic spells.
And out west, you hardly ever see a candidate from say, oh, Massachusetts showing up wearing a Stetson, because he would like a dork in the saddle.
But for some reason the South is different, transforming the hustings into one long-winded game of political kudzu charades. The problem was particularly acute for Romney, already widely distrusted for tailoring his positions on the issues based on the shifting winds of polling data.
So there he was bouncing between Mississippi and Alabama, extolling the culinary charms of grits and pretending he has Loretta Lynn on his iPod.
To be a smidgen fair, perhaps Romney thought he could pull off his image as a Man of the Doublewide set considering Mississippi and Alabama Republican voters, by vast margins, believe Barack Obama is a Muslim and evolution is a myth.