From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 4

Politeness is essential in a disciplinary hearing. (No doubt you’ve heard of this police chief and his crackpot videos.)

A hearing for a Pennsylvania police chief who made profanity-laced Internet videos about liberals and the Second Amendment was halted suddenly Thursday night after a handgun belonging to one of his supporters slid out of its holster and crashed onto the concrete floor.

The loaded semi-automatic handgun landed inches away from Gilberton Chief Mark Kessler and his attorney. It did not go off, but attorney Joseph Nahas said that he and other officials were concerned about the safety of everyone in the tiny, crowded meeting room at borough hall.

I am continually taken aback by the number of gun fetishists who have no idea how to practice safe gats. You’d think they at least would agree on “safe words” before their sessions.

And in other news of the polite . . . .

A woman was shot early Friday in what police are calling a road rage incident in north Cobb County (Georgia–ed.).



  1. George Smith

    October 11, 2013 at 2:42 pm

  2. Frank

    October 11, 2013 at 3:35 pm


  3. George Smith

    October 11, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    I’m sure he still thinks he has a leg to stand on. In fact, he probably took it as an example that he and his pals safely handle guns because no one had their eye put out.

  4. Frank

    October 11, 2013 at 10:11 pm

    Kink dot com has nothing on these clowns.


    I get the attraction of shooting.  Shooting and shooting well is jolly good fun.  When I’m in practice (which I’m not), I’m a damned good shot.  But I know enough about the damned things that I wouldn’t want to walk about with one on my hip.  


    I respect guns in the morning; these clowns do not.