From Pine View Farm

Backfire 2

Dick Polman dissects the Republican backpedaling from the decision by Senator Cruz-missile and his teabags to blow up the economy over the Affordable Care Act. It doesn’t seem to be working out all that well for the geniuses behind it.

A snippet:

No wonder the Republicans are starting to sue for peace. That’s what losers do. The fantasy of killing Obamacare by crashing the government is basically dead. Business Card"  Senator Ted Cruz, Genius (parody of Wile E. Coyote)Instead, the saboteurs are currently looking for something, anything, that might pass muster with President Obama and help extricate them from their ill-fated drive around the ideological cul de sac.


Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of politics – a minority of a minority in one legislative chamber can’t outfight a president who handily won re-election – knew that the GOP would wind up the loser in a shutdown showdown. Indeed, the smartest conservatives knew it, and warned against it.

Expect the teabaggers to portray themselves as martyrs willing to nobly sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Heaven forbid they be seen as power-hungry hacks who think governance is a video game in which it’s okay to sacrifice the general welfare for hit-points.



  1. George Smith

    October 11, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    Except they haven’t let go yet and the government is still shut down. Reality doesn’t touch enough of them, they have always believed polls and everybody else are attempts at deception. So what happens if they don’t give in time and the country stumbles through the default line? Has anyone thought of what happens if the madmen just don’t give? What if by next Friday it’s exactly the same as today? More negotiations, more meetings, more polling, groundhog day.

  2. Frank

    October 11, 2013 at 10:05 pm

    The desertion of the moneybags will have its way with them.


    They are nothing if not craven.