From Pine View Farm

Yes, We Have No Bananas 0

I had a delightful breakfast with Shaun Mullen in Newark, Delaware, several years ago, when I was on my way to attend First Daughter’s party to celebrate her graduation from Temple University with a Master’s degree.

Shaun has long been a favorite read of mine. I admire his insights and his writing. Elsewhere in these electrons, I have reviewed his book, which I commend to your attention.

He has been absent from the blogosphere due to bad luck and broken bones, but he returns to look back on the year. A nugget:

Most Telling Statistic of 2013: Some 70 percent of the laws enacted in the wake of the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre weakened gun control.

Follow the link. You will not regret it. You will also learn why this post has the title it has.

And pray that he does not forsake his mouse and keyboard, as he is inclined to do, tired of the battle and frustrated that stupid is in the catbird seat.

His voice is needed.

Tell him so.


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